Sunday services are at 10:30am in-person at 2277 Enns Rd. You can also view our services live on Facebook. Join our page (Black Creek United Mennonite Church). If you can’t view on Facebook, the service will be shared on our site here under Messages.
“True evangelical faith cannot lie dormant. It clothes the naked, it feeds the hungry, it comforts the sorrowful, it shelters the destitute, and it serves those who harm it. It binds up that which is wounded. It has become all things to all people.”
~ Menno Simons, 1539

Who we are…
We are a friendly and warm community of believers who strive to follow the example of Christ in our lives. Each of us has a unique journey that has led us to this place that we now call home — Black Creek, BC. Regardless of where you have come from, you will be welcomed as you join us. Our worship is a blend of the traditional and contemporary with a relaxed, informal style.
What we believe…
We believe in Jesus Christ as the One sent by God to bring reconciliation to a broken world, and believe in the Bible as the central source of inspiration for faithful living. Our Mennonite heritage is one of radical obedience to God, with Jesus as the central example and teacher of how we should live out our faith. We emphasize the connections between faith, words and actions.
We believe that peace should mean far more than simply the absence of war. We believe that God calls us to be agents of reconciliation, by teaching and being examples of love, tolerance, and authenticity.
We seek community…
Mennonites recognize the value in organizing as a wider community of Christians connected through the support of local faith communities of fellow believers. Worshiping together and studying the Bible to hear what God is saying to the church today are very important to Mennonites. We believe the church is called to share the news of Jesus, and to offer a glimpse of what God desires for all of humanity. In community, we seek hope in place of despair, healing instead of suffering, and peace instead of conflict.